Thursday 28 November 2013

God is love,God,is not fear.The only fear ,is not knowing God

It is impossible not to notice how "different" people literally fill the ranks of Lord Shiva's Ganas- The merry men. What does this really signify? Shivji accepts all! Caste and colour, form and appearance , these do not deter Him whatsoe...ver in remembering that all come from One source, all have the same aspirations: of simply being happy. and perhaps more importantly, a great message for those who consider themselves the followers of Shiva: Learn to love all beings, the only ghosts and goblins you must stay away from, are those created by your judgmental mind.

Monday 18 November 2013

Mananam, Sravanam and Kirtanam

In the Sivapurana it has been told that once Sanatkumara was traveling in an aircraft and happened to see sage Parasara, practicing austerities (tapas ) on the banks of the river Saraswathi. Sanatkumara stopped by and asked the latter the reason for being at such a lonely place. Sage Parasara replied that having done his ordained duties as a teacher and helped lots of... students to gain knowledge, he decided to practice austerities for his own salvation. Sanatkumara then revealed to him the knowledge he received earlier from Nandikeswara and suggested him to practice mananam, sravanam and kirtanam instead of austerities as effective means of attaining the grace of Lord Siva and achieve liberation. These three means are explained below. Mananam: Uttering the Siva mantras or prayers, contemplating or meditating upon the grandeur and significance of Siva or the sacred texts of Saivism and performing similar mental activities. Sravanam: Listening from others, or in a gathering of Siva's devotees, about Lord Siva, the concepts of Saivism, the books on Saivism, the life and activities of Nayanars or other devotees of Siva. Kirtanam. Singing the glory of Lord Siva either alone or in the company of other devotees. When it is done in groups it is called bhajan. Devotional singing helps the mind become stabilized in God. The Worship of Sivalinga According to the Sivapurana, in the age of Kali (kaliyuga) ,worship of Siva in the form of Sivalinga is the best means of liberation. Woship of Sivalinga can be done either at home or in a Siva temple or a sacred place such as the banks of a sacred river. The linga has to be worshipped by the traditional means (sadupachara) of dhyana, avahana, asana, padya, arghya, achamaniya, abhisheka, vastra, bhasma, gandha, akshata, pushpa, bilva, dhupa, dipa, naivedya, tambula, mahanirajana, mantrapushpa, namaskara and prardhana. The Significance of Sivalinga. As the highest reality Siva is both Saguna (with form and qualities) and Nirguna (without form and qualities). The Siva linga is a rendering of Siva in his formless or nirguna aspect. Saguna Siva is known by his five aspects known as panchanana aspect and there are temples in India where we can see a Sivalinga having five faces representing these five aspects. According to the followers of Saivism, Nirguan Siva is the highest reality, the absolute principle, the formless unknown Self of all and the one indivisible Supreme Reality. Sivalinga represents this aspect of Siva and therefore its worship is considered to be the highest form of worship we can perform.

Sunday 10 November 2013

A Question To Shiva

Few days back, one girl asked Shiva that She feels no one understands her. She wants to do best for everyone, still everyone is against her. She always has problems at home and in the office too. Shiva asked her, if she understands herself. She said of course I know myself. Shiva said you know yourself but do you understand yourself and she was confused. She wants to do good for everyone, but why does she want to do good? When you are asking someone to do something, do you want best for him or do you want him to appreciate you? She said that but ultimately i am doing good for everyone. No, your deep intention is to do good for yourself and what reflects in our action is very small part of it. What we feel is the major part of who we are. You are into conflict yourself for everything inside you. You want to do something, you want something and you say something else. Till the time your every word, thought, feeling and action is in alignment, you will never have peace inside you. Till the time you will not have peace inside you, you will always have conflicts around you in everything you would do because this is what you are creating. So what should I do? Then Shiva Said Write down all the things. Write down all your thoughts. Write down all your feelings. Write down all your intentions. Write down all your actions. Write down everything without judging. Why should I write down, when i know them already. You know them, but you are not aware of them. Human mind is very intelligent. It would try to cancel everything without you being aware of it and you would lose your real thoughts or let's say you would bury them. It would disguise everything under the wrap of nobility. Don't judge anything good or bad. Just be aware of all of them so that you can have a clarity and then start sorting them out. Ask yourself why do I desire this? What am I gaining from this? Is it important to have my way all the time? What would happen if I do not have everything as per me? What would I lose if my expectations are not met? What am I gaining in all this? What should I leave behind? What are the things I actually want in myself? Why do i have so much resentment? Question all your intentions, feelings, desires, thoughts and actions. Once you get the clarity inside you, you will get the clarity everywhere. After two months of working on herself and on her thoughts, she was able to get into harmony with herself. She started liking herself and she also started liking everyone else. When she started liking everyone else inside herself, then everyone also got into harmony with her. You cannot create peace around you till the time you do not have peace inside you. You cannot be happy if you wait for something to happen. You can be happy if you are happy now and then you will have happiness everywhere. Whatever you have inside you, you create around you. If you want to have harmony around you, create harmony inside you. Be at peace yourself and everything else would be peaceful too. If you have love inside you, you will have love around you. Be happy, be peaceful, be love.