Thursday 14 March 2013

1008 Names Of MahaDev(With the meaning Of Each)

* 1 * Om Sthirayai Nama - Salutations to Him who is perennial
* 2 * Om Sthanave nama - Who is the axis of the world
* 3 * Om Prabhave nama - Who is the lord of all the world
* 4 * Om Bheemayai nama - Who is the source of fear
* 5 * Om Pravarayai nama - Who is very special
* 6 * Om Varadayai nama - Who gives boons
* 7 * Om Varaayai nama - Who spreads everything and make them invisible
* 8 * Om Sarvaathmane nama - Who is the soul of every being
* 9 * Om Sarva vikhyathayai nama - Who is famous everywhere
* 10 * Om Sarvasmai nama - Who is spread in everything
* 11 * Om Sarvakarayai nama - Who does everything
* 12 * Om Bhavayai nama - Who is the source of everything
* 13 * Om Jatine nama - Who has matted hair
* 14 * Om Charmine nama - Who dresses himself in hides (tiger, elephant)
* 15 * Om Shikhandine nama - Who has hair flowing like the peacock’s feather
* 16 * Om Sarvaangaaya nama - Who has all the world as his organs
* 17 * Om Sarvabhavanaayai nama - Who creates and looks after everything
* 18 * Om Haraya nama - Who destroys everything at time of deluge
* 19 * Om Harinaakshaayai nama - Who has deer like eyes
* 20 * Om Sarvabhoothaharayai nama - Who destroys all beings which exist
* 21 * Om Prabhave nama - Who enjoys everything
* 22 * Om Pravruthaye nama - Who is the form of work
* 23 * Om Nivruthaye nama - Who is the form of total sacrifice
* 24 * Om Niyathaya nama - Who is a sage who has won over his senses
* 25 * Om Saswathaya nama - Who is permanent
* 26 * Om Druvaya nama - Who is stable
* 27 * Om Smasana vasinee nama - Who lives in the cremation ground
* 28 * Om Bhagawathe nama - Who is the source of wealth, charity, fame, renunciation and salvation
* 29 * Om Khacharaya nama - Who travels in the sky
* 30 * Om Ghocharaya nama - Who can be felt only by senses
* 31 * Om Ardhanayai nama - Who catches bad people
* 32 * Om Abhivadyaya nama - Who is fit to be saluted
* 33 * Om Mahakarmane nama - Who does great actions
* 34 * Om Thapasvine nama - Who is a sage doing meditation
* 35 * Om Bhooha bhavanayai nama - Who creates the five great bhoothas viz sky, earth, fire, air and wind
* 36 * Om unmatha vesha prachannayai nama - Who hides himself as a mad being
* 37 * Om sarva loka prajapathae nama - Who is the lord of all beings of all worlds
* 38 * Om Maharoopayai nama - Who has a very big form
* 39 * Om Mahakayayai nama - Who has the whole universe as his body
* 40 * Om Vrusha roopayai nama - Who has also the form of a bull
* 41 * Om Mahayasase nama - Who has great fame
* 42 * Om Mahatmane nama - Who has a very great mind
* 43 * Om Sarva Bhoothathmane nama - Who is the soul of all beings
* 44 * Om Viswa roopayai nama - Who is seen everywhere
* 45 * Om Mahahanave nama - Who has very big jaw bones (he can swallow the whole world)
* 46 * Om Loka palaya nama - Who is of the form of those who protect the earth like Indra
* 47 * Om Anthar hithathmane nama - One who has properties which within him and not visible
* 48 * Om prasadaya nama - Who has the form of love
* 49 * Om Hayagardhabhaye nama - Who travels in the chariot drawn by zebras
* 50 * Om Pavithraya nama - Who saves us from thunder of worldly life
* 51 * Om Mahathe nama - Who is fit to be worshipped
* 52 * Om Niyamaya nama - Who is of the form of rules of life
* 53 * Om Niyamasrithaya nama - Who is the refuge to those who follow rules of life
* 54 * Om Sarva karmane nama - Who does all actions
* 55 * Om Swayambhoothaya nama - Who was created by himself
* 56 * Om AAdhaye nama - Who is most ancient-Who is first among beings
* 57 * Om Aadhikaraya nama - Who created Lord Brahma
* 58 * Om Nidhaye nama - Who is a treasure
* 59 * Om Sahasrakshata nama - Who has thousand eyes
* 60 * Om Visalakshaya nama - Who has very broad eyes
* 61 * Om Somaya nama - Who is with Uma
* 62 * Om Nakshatra sadhakayai nama - Who created the stars
* 63 * Om Chandraya nama - Who has the form of moon
* 64 * Om Sooryaya nama - Who has the form of the Sun
* 65 * Om Sanaya nama - Who has the form of Saturn
* 66 * Om Kethave nama - Who has the form of Kethu
* 67 * Om Grahaya nama - Who has the form of planets
* 68 * Om Graha pathaye nama - Who is the lord of all planets
* 69 * Om Varaaya nama - Who is the best
* 70 * Om Athraye nama - Who is form of Mercury bon in Athri clan
* 71 * Om Adryaa namaskarthre nama - Who saluted Anasooya , the wife of Sage Athri
* 72 * Om Mruga banarpanayai nama - Who sent arrow against the deer sent by sages of Daruka forest
* 73 * Om Anagaya nama - Who cannot be neared by sins
* 74 * Om Mahathapse nama - Who has great penance(Thapas)
* 75 * Om Gorathapase nama - Who does terrible penance during time of deluge
* 76 * Om Adheenaya nama - Who is not poor though he looks like it
* 77 * Om Dheena sadhakayai nama - Who fulfills desires of poor people
* 78 * Om Samvathsarakaraya nama - Who makes the wheel of time to rotate
* 79 * Om Manthraya Nama - Who is of the form of Sacred chants like “Om”
* 80 * Om Pramanaya nama - Who is the source of intuition
* 81 * Om Pramaya thapase nama - Who himself is the great penance
* 82 * Om Yogine nama - Who in a great Yogi
* 83 * Om yojyaya nama - Who can be reached by Yoga
* 84 * Om Maha Bheejaya nama - Who is the prime root of everything
* 85 * Om Maha Rethase Nama - Who makes soul which is his shadow enter the beings
* 86 * Om Mahabalaya nama - Who has great strength
* 87 * Om Swarna rethase nama - Who has gold like seeds
* 88 * Om SArvagnaya nama - Who knows everything
* 89 * Om Subheejaya nama - Who is a good seed
* 90 * Om Bheeja vahanayai nama - Who rides on the seed
* 91 * Om dasa bahave nama - Who has ten hands
* 92 * Om Animishaya nama - Who does not blink his eyes
* 93 * Om Neelakandaya nama - Who has a blue neck
* 94 * Om Umapathaye nama - Who is the consort of Uma
* 95 * Om Viswa roopaya nama - Who is all the known forms
* 96 * Om Swayam sreshtaya nama - Who is himself great
* 97 * Om Bala veeraya nama - Who destroys his enemies by his prowess
* 98 * Om Abhaloganaya nama - Who organizes and activates the Pancha bhoothas
* 99 * Om Gana karthre nama - Who creates the ganas
* 100 * Om Ganapathaye nama - Who is the leader of the ganas
* 101 * Om Digvasase nama - Who wears the directions as cloth
* 102 * Om Kaamaya nama - Who is liked by all
* 103 * Om Manthravidhe nama - Who is an expert in mantras
* 104 * Om Paramaya manthraya nama - Who is personification of philosophical truth.
* 105 * Om Sarva Bhavakaraaya nama - Who is the producer of all emotions.
* 106 * Om Haraaya nama - Who is the stealer of our hearts.
* 107 * Om Kamandaludaraaya nama - Who has with him the pitcher(Carried by sages)
* 108 * Om Dhanvine nama - Who carries a bow
* 109 * Om Banahasthaya nama - Who carries an arrow in his hand
* 110 * Om Kapalavathe nama - Who carries the skull of Brahma with him
* 111 * Om asanaye nama - Who carries the Vajrayudha
* 112 * Om sadagnine nama - Who carries the Shakthi weapon
* 113 * Om Gadgine nama - Who carries the sword with him
* 114 * Om Pattissine nama - Who carries the knife called Patteesi
* 115 * Om Ayudhine nama - Who carries all types of weapons
* 116 * Om Mahathe nama - Who is great
* 117 * Om sthruvahasthaya nama - Who carries the ladle used in fire sacrifice called Sthruva
* 118 * Om Surupaya nama - Who is handsome
* 119 * Om Thejase nama - Who shines like light
* 120 * Om theskaraaya nidhaye nama - Who is like the treasure giving light to devotees
* 121 * Om Ushneeshine nama - Who wears a turban
* 122 * Om Suvakthraya nama - Who has a good face
* 123 * Om Udagraya nama - Who has a stable form
* 124 * Om Vinathaya nama - Who is humble
* 125 * Om Deerghaya nama - Who is very tall
* 126 * Om Harikesaya nama - Who has black hair turned to gray
* 127 * Om Sutheerthaya nama - Who is of the form of a great teacher
* 128 * Om Krishnaaya nama - Who is ever happy
* 129 * Om Srugala roopaya nama - Who has assumed the form of a jackal
* 130 * Om Siddharthaya nama - Who his at the acme of occult powers
* 131 * Om Mundaya nama - Who is of the form of an ascetic
* 132 * Om Sarvashubamkaraya nama - Who grants all good things
* 133 * Om Ajaya nama - Who does not have birth
* 134 * Om Bahuroopaya nama - Who assumes many forms
* 135 * Om Ganda darine nama - Who wears sandal paste
* 136 * Om Kapardhine nama - Who has matted hair
* 137 * Om Oordhwarethase nama - Who has won over passion
* 138 * Om Oordhwa lingaya nama - Who has linga which looks up
* 139 * Om Oordhwasayine nama - Who sleeps facing upwards
* 140 * Om Nabha sthalaya nama - Who has a place in the sky
* 141 * Om Trijadine nama - Who has a three fold pigtail
* 142 * Om Cheeravasase nama - Who wears the hide of trees
* 143 * Om Rudraya nama - Who removes sorrows
* 144 * Om Senapathaye nama - Who is the commander of the army
* 145 * Om Vibhave nama - Who assumes variety of forms
* 146 * Om Ahacharaya nama - Who is of the form of devas traveling by day time
* 147 * Om Nakthancharaya nama - Who is of the form of devas who move at night
* 148 * Om Thigma manyava nama - Who has very great anger
* 149 * Om Suvarchasaya nama - Who has the resplendent light of knowledge
* 150 * Om Gajagne nama - Who killed the Asura who took the form of an elephant
* 151 * Om Daithyagne nama - Who killed Rakshasas
* 152 * Om Kaalaya nama - Who is of the form of time
* 153 * Om Loka dathre nama - Who rules over this world
* 154 * Om Gunaakaraya nama - Who is the store house of good qualities
* 155 * Om Simha sardhoola roopaya nama - Who is of the form of tiger and lion
* 156 * Om Ardhra charmambaraavruthaya nama - Who uses the blood soaked elephant hide to cover himself
* 157 * Om Kaala yoginee nama - Who through Yogic practices have won over time
* 158 * Om Maha naadaya nama - Who is personification of the great sound
* 159 * Om Sarva kaamaya nama - Who is the personification of all desires
* 160 * Om Chathush padaya nama - Who can be worshipped in four ways [Viz., Charya (chant), Kriya (act), Yoga and Gnana] or Who can be worshiped as Viswa, Thaijasa, Pragna and Shiva.
* 161 * Om Nisa charaya nama - Who moves even at night
* 162 * Om Prethacharine nama - Who travels with dead bodies
* 163 * Om Bhootha charine nama - Who travels with Bhoothas( Five elements/evil spirits)
* 164 * Om maheswaraya nama - Who is the greatest God
* 165 * Om Bahoo bhoothaya nama - Who also has the form of strength
* 166 * Om Bahoodaraya nama - Who carries this great Universe
* 167 * Om Swarbhanave nama - Who shines like a Sun by his own light or Who is of the form of planet Rahu
* 168 * Om Amithaya nama - Who is beyond measurement
* 169 * Om Gathaye nama - Who is the destination to reach
* 170 * Om Nruthya priyaya nama - Who likes dancing
* 171 * Om Nithya narthaya nama - Who dances always
* 172 * Om Narthakaaya nama - Who is the dancer or who makes everything dance
* 173 * Om Sarva laalasaya nama - Who likes every one
* 174 * Om Ghoraaya nama - Who has a terrible form
* 175 * Om Maha thapase nama - Who is the great penance
* 176 * Om Pasaaya nama - Who ties every one with the rope of illusion
* 177 * Om Nithyaya nama - Who is perennial
* 178 * Om Giri ruhaya nama - Who lives on the mountain
* 179 * Om Nabhase nama - Who is unattached like the sky
* 180 * Om Sahasra hasthaya nama - Who has thousands of hands
* 181 * Om Vijayaya nama - Who is of the form of victory
* 182 * Om Vyavasayaya nama - Who is industrious or Who is of the form of definite action
* 183 * Om Athandrithaya nama - Who is not lazy
* 184 * Om Adarshanaya nama - Who is unshakable
* 185 * Om Darshanathmane nama - Who is the soul of fear for others
* 186 * Om Yagnagne nama - Who destroys fire sacrifice done with egoism
* 187 * Om Kama nasakaya nama - Who killed the God of love
* 188 * Om Daksha Yagaapahaarine nama - Who destroyed the fire sacrifice of Daksha
* 189 * Om Susahaya nama - Who is greatly patient
* 190 * Om Madhyamaya nama - Who is unbiased
* 191 * Om Thejopahaarine nama - Who steals the strength of others
* 192 * Om Balagne nama - Who kills those bloated by strength
* 193 * Om Mudhithaya nama - Who is always happy
* 194 * Om Arthaya nama - Who is liked by everyone
* 195 * Om Ajithaya nama - Who cannot be defeated by any one
* 196 * Om Avaraya nama - Who does not have any one above him
* 197 * Om Gambheera ghoshaya nama - Who produces great sound
* 198 * Om Gambheeraya nama - Who is beyond the intellect
* 199 * Om Gambheera bala vahanaay nama - Who rides on a bull which cannot be shaken by others
* 200 * Om Nyagrodha roopaya nama - Who is of the form of the tree of day to day life which grows downwards
* 201 * Om Nyagrodhaya nama - Who assumes the form of Dakshinamurthy , under a banyan tree
* 202 * Om Vruksha karma sthithaye nama - Who is on the top of the ear like leaf of the tree during deluge
* 203 * Om Vibhave nama - Who is the favorite God for all
* 204 * Om Sutheeshna dasanaya nama - Who has very sharp teeth
* 205 * Om Maha kayaya nama - Who has a very big body
* 206 * Om Mahananaya nama - Who has a very big face
* 207 * Om Vishvak senaya nama - Who scatters the Asura army in to different directions
* 208 * Om Haraye nama - Who destroys everything
* 209 * Om Yagnaya nama - Who is the personification of fire sacrifice
* 210 * Om Samyuga peeda vahanaya nama - Who has the bull as the flag as well as stride
* 211 * Om Theeshna Thaapaya nama - Who is of the form of burning fire
* 212 * Om Haryaswaya nama - Who is the form of Sun who has green horses
* 213 * Om Sahaayaya nama - Who is the help for the life
* 214 * Om Karma kala vidhe nama - Who knows the proper time to perform duties
* 215 * Om Vishnu prasadithaya nama - Who has been pleased by the devotion of Vishnu
* 216 * Om Yagnaya nama - Who is of the form of Vishnu
* 217 * Om Samudhraya nama - Who is of the form of ocean
* 218 * Om Badavamukhaya nama - Who is the form of fire which dries water
* 219 * Om Huthasana sahayaya nama - Who is the form of wind
* 220 * Om Prasanthathmane nama - Who is as peaceful as an ocean after tide
* 221 * Om Huthasanaya nama - Who is of the form of fire
* 222 * Om Ugra thejase nama - Who is having terrific power of a flame
* 223 * Om Maha thejase nama - Who is having great light and shining
* 224 * Om Janyaya nama - Who is very able in war
* 225 * Om Vijaya kala vidhe nama - Who knows the time for victory
* 226 * Om Jyothishamayanaya nama - Who is of the form of astrology
* 227 * Om Siddhaye nama - Who is of the form of proper completion
* 228 * Om Sarva Vigrahaya nama - Who makes every thing as his body
* 229 * Om Shikhine nama - Who has a well grown hair
* 230 * Om Mundine nama - Who is the form of clean shaven sage
* 231 * Om Jadine nama - Who has a matted lock
* 232 * Om Jwaline nama - Who is of the form of a flame
* 233 * Om Moorthijaya nama - Who appears in the form of man and animals
* 234 * Om Moordhajaya nama - Who is on the head
* 235 * Om Baline nama - Who is strong
* 236 * Om Vainavine nama - Who has a flute in his hand
* 237 * Om Panavine nama - Who has a shaking drum in his hand
* 238 * Om Thaline nama - Who has metallic cymbals in his hand
* 239 * Om Khaline nama - Who is the owner of a paddy store
* 240 * Om Kalakatamkataya nama - Who is the gate for the gate of god of death who is of the form of time.
* 241 * Om Nakshatr vigraha mathaye nama - Who has a body and intellect which shines like stars
* 242 * Om Guna budhaye nama - Who knows/measures qualities
* 243 * Om Layaya nama - Who is the source where everything merges in the end.
* 244 * Om Agamaya nama - Who does not have any movement
* 245 * Om Prajapathaye nama - Who is the God of the people
* 246 * Om Viswabahave nama - Who has arms everywhere
* 247 * OM Vibhagaya nama - Who cannot be divided
* 248 * Om Sarvagaya nama - Who is every where
* 249 * Om Amugaya nama - Who is faceless/Who is not interested in enjoyments
* 250 * Om Vimochanaya nama - Who grants salvation
* 251 * Om Susaranaya nama - Who can be attained easily
* 252 * Om Hiranyakavachodbhavaya nama - Who appears with a golden apparel(here this apparel is
* 253 * Om Medrajaya nama - Who arises from the linga
* 254 * Om Balacharine nama - Who moves about with a strong army
* 255 * Om Mahee charine nama - Who travels throughout earth
* 256 * Om Sruthaya nama - Who is spread everywhere
* 257 * Om Sarva thooryavinodhine nama - Who enjoys all types of instrumental music
* 258 * Om Sarvathodhya parigrahaya nama - Who considers all beings as his family
* 259 * Om Vyalaroopaya nama - Who is of the form of serpent in Adhisesha
* 260 * Om Guhaavasinee nama - Who lives in the cave of one’s mind.
* 261 * Om Guhaaya nama - Who is of the form of Lord Subrahmanya
* 262 * Om Maline nama - Who wears a garland
* 263 * Om Tharangavidhe nama - Who has the waves of creation, upkeep and destruction.
* 264 * Om Tridasaya nama - Who is the source of birth, life and death of all beings.
* 265 * Om Trikaladruthe nama - Who wears the three periods-past, present and future.
* 266 * Om Karma sarva bhanda vimochanaya nama - Who cuts of the ties of Karma
* 267 * Om Asurendranaam bandanaya nama - Who is the reason for imprisonment of kings of asuras
* 268 * Om Yudhi shathru vinasanaya nama - Who kills enemies in war.
* 269 * Om Sankhya prasadaaya nama - Who gets pleased by the discussion of Sankhya philosophy
* 270 * Om Durvasase nama - Who took the form of sage Durvasa
* 271 * Om Sarva sadhu nishevithaya nama - Who is served by all good people
* 272 * Om Prasakandanaya nama - Who makes all others slip-at time of deluge all others die
* 273 * Om Vibhagagnaya nama - Who is an expert in giving boons/punishments according to their deeds
* 274 * Om Athulyaya nama - Who is incomparable
* 275 * Om Yagna Vibhaga vidhe nama - Who is an expert in giving the share of each in the fire sacrifice
* 276 * Om Sarva vasaya nama - Who is everywhere
* 277 * Om Sarvacharine nama - Who travels everywhere
* 278 * Om Durvasase nama - Who cannot be clothed because he is everywhere
* 279 * Om Vasavaaya nama - Who is in the form of Indra
* 280 * Om Amaraya nama - Who does not have death
* 281 * Om Haimaya nama - Who is of the colour of Gold
* 282 * Om Hemakaraaya nama - Who makes gold
* 283 * Om Nishkarmaaya nama - Who does not do any work
* 284 * Om Sarva dharine nama - Who wears /carries every thing
* 285 * Om Darothamaya nama - Who is the greatest among those who carry
* 286 * Om Lohithakshaya nama - Who has red eyes
* 287 * Om Mahakshaya nama - Who has senses which are spread everywhere
* 288 * Om Vijayaakshaya nama - Who has a chariot which wins everybody
* 289 * Om Visaaradhaya nama - Who knows everything
* 290 * Om Sangrahaya nama - Who recognizes devotees
* 291 * Om Nigrahaya nama - Who punishes bad people
* 292 * Om Karthre nama - Who creates and looks after everybody
* 293 * Om Sarpacheera nivasanaya nama - Who ties a serpent over his apparel
* 294 * Om Mukhyaya nama - Who is the chief
* 295 * Om Amukhyaya nama - Who does not have a chief
* 296 * Om Dehaya nama - Who is of the form of the body
* 297 * Om Kahalaye nama - Who has a drum called “Kahala”
* 298 * Om Sarva kamadhaya nama - Who fulfills all desires of his devotees
* 299 * Om Sarvakala prasadaya nama - Who showers his grace at all times
* 300 * Om Subalaya nama - Who has the strength that serves others
301 * Om Bala roopa druthe nama - Who is strong as well as handsome
* 302 * Om Sarva kama varaya nama - Who is the best among all gods whom we desire
* 303 * Om Sarvadaya nama - Who gives everything
* 304 * Om Sarvathomukhaya nama - Who has faces everywhere
* 305 * Om aakasanirviroopaya nama - Who makes several forms from the sky like himself
* 306 * Om Nibhadine nama - Who appears to have entered our body and fallen there
* 307 * Om Avasaya nama - Who cannot be under the control of anybody
* 308 * Om Khagaya nama - Who is like the bird which is always with the tree of life
* 309 * Om Roudra roopaya nama - Who has a very angry appearance
* 310 * Om Amsave nama - Who is of the form of the ray of light
* 311 * Om Adithya nama - Who is of the form of the Sun
* 312 * Om Bahurasmaye nama - Who has several rays of light
* 313 * Om Suvarchisine nama - Who has pretty rays
* 314 * Om Vasu vegaya nama - Who has the speed of wind
* 315 * Om Maha vegaya nama - Who has very great speed
* 316 * Om Manovegaya nama - Who has the speed of the mind
* 317 * Om Nisacharaya nama - Who travels at night
* 318 * Om Sarva vasine nama - Who resides in everything
* 319 * Om Sriyavasine nama - Who lives in Srividya
* 320 * Om Upadesakaraya nama - Who gives counsels/Who teaches
* 321 * Om Akaraya nama - Who does not do anything
* 322 * Om Munaye nama - Who is the sage
* 323 * Om Athma niralokaya nama - Who sees carefully each Jeevathma
* 324 * Om Sambhagnaya nama - Who is being depended on by everybody
* 325 * Om Sahasradaya nama - Who gives in thousands and thousands
* 326 * Om Pakshine nama - Who is Garuda, the best among the birds
* 327 * Om Paksha roopaya nama - Who helps in the form of our friends
* 328 * Om Athideepthaya nama - Who is having great brilliance
* 329 * Om Visampthaye nama - Who is the lord of the citizens
* 330 * Om Unmadaya nama - Who makes us develop mad devotion
* 331 * Om Madanaya nama - Who gives us immense happiness
* 332 * Om Kamaya nama - Who Is liked by everybody
* 333 * Om Aswathaya nama - Who is in the form of a banyan tree
* 334 * Om Arthakaraya nama - Who gives what is desired
* 335 * Om Yasase nama - Who blesses his devotees with fame
* 336 * Om Vamadevaya nama - Who gives the prize deserved according to ones actions
* 337 * Om Vamaaya nama - Who is very handsome
* 338 * Om Prache nama - Who is before everybody
* 339 * Om DAkshinaya nama - Who is capable of ruling all the three worlds
* 340 * Om Vamanaya nama - Who came in form of Vamana, an avathara of Vishnu
* 341 * Om Siddha yogine nama - Who is a great Yogi who is also a Sidha
* 342 * Om Maharshaye nama - Who is the greatest among sages
* 343 * Om Sidharthaya nama - Who is the perfect one who has everything
* 344 * Om Sidha sadhakaya nama - Who grants the desires of Sidhas
* 345 * Om Bikshave nama - Who is of the form of one who eats what he gets as alms
* 346 * Om Bikshu roopaya nama - Who looks like a beggar
* 347 * Om Vipanaya nama - Who does not specify a price
* 348 * Om Mrudhave nama - Who has a very soft heart
* 349 * Om Avyayaya nama - Who is consistent
* 350 * Om Maha senaya nama - Who has a great army
* 351 * Om Vishakhaya nama - Who is of the form of Lord Subrahamanya
* 352 * Om SashtiBagaya nama - Who has sixty parts (Refer Mandukya Upanishad)
* 353 * Om Gavampathaye nama - Who makes the sensory organs function
* 354 * Om Vajrahasthaya nama - Who holds the Vajrayudha in his hand
* 355 * Om Vishkambhine nama - Who is spread everywhere
* 356 * Om Chamusthambhanaya nama - Who paralyses the enemy army
* 357 * Om Vruthavruthakaraya nama - Who circles the enemy in his chariot and who returns back after defeating them without wounds
* 358 * Om Thalaya nama - Who knows the bottom of the ocean of day today life
* 359 * Om Madhave nama - Who is of the form of spring season
* 360 * Om Madhukalochanaya nama - Who has honey like eyes with red colour
* 361 * Om Vachaspathyaya nama - Who is of the form of Brahaspathi, the teacher of devas
* 362 * Om Vajasanaya nama - Who made the Vajasena branch of Vedas in the form of Sun
* 363 * Om Nithyamasritha poojithaya nama - Who is daily being worshipped by his devotees
* 364 * Om Brahmacharine nama - Who is one with Brahmam
* 365 * Om Loka charine nama - Who travels between the worlds
* 366 * Om sarva charine nama - Who travels everywhere
* 367 * Om Vichara vidhe nama - Who knows enquiry of truth
* 368 * Om Ishanaya nama - Who conducts everything with attention
* 369 * Om Ishwaraya nama - Who spreads everything
* 370 * Om Kaalaya nama - Who judges the sins and good actions over time
* 371 * Om Nisha charine nama - Who travels on the night of deluge
* 372 * Om Pinaka bruthe nama - Who holds the bow called Pinaka
* 373 * Om Nimithasthata nama - Who resides in causes
* 374 * Om Nimithaya nama - Who is the cause
* 375 * Om Nandaye nama - Who is the treasure house of knowledge
* 376 * Om Nandikaraya nama - Who gives wealth
* 377 * Om Haraye nama - Who is Anjaneya in the form of monkeys
* 378 * Om Nandeeswaraya nama - Who is the Lord of the Nandi
* 379 * Om Nandine nama - Who has also been called the Nandi
* 380 * Om Nandanaya nama - Who makes us happy
* 381 * Om Nandi vardhanaya nama - Who increases happiness of devotees/Who destroys the wealth of his enemies
* 382 * Om Bhaga haarine nama - Who steals the wealth and fame
* 383 * Om Nihanthre nama - Who takes away life in the form of Lord Yama
* 384 * Om Kaalaya nama - Who is the seat of arts
* 385 * Om Brahmane nama - Who is very great
* 386 * Om Pithamahaya nama - Who is the father of father(Who created Lord Vishnu)
* 387 * Om Chathurmukhaya nama - Who has four faces when he takes the form of Brahma
* 388 * Om Mahalingaya nama - Who is the great Linga
* 389 * Om Charu lingaya nama - Who is pretty
* 390 * Om Lingadhyakshaya nama - Who presides over in the form of Linga
* 391 * Om Suradhyakshaya nama - Who is the Lord of all devas
* 392 * Om Yogadhyakshaya nama - Who is the lord of all Yogas
* 393 * Om Yuga vahaya nama - Who creates Yugas(long periods of time)
* 394 * Om Bheejadyakshaya nama - Who is the Lord of the root cause(nature)
* 395 * Om Bheejakarthre nama - Who makes nature function
* 396 * Om Adhyathmanugathaya nama - Who follows the tenets of the Adhyatma shastras
* 397 * Om Balaya nama - Who has strength
* 398 * Om Ithihasya nama - Who is the form of epics
* 399 * Om Sakalpaya nama - Who is in the form of Kalpa shastras
* 400 * Om Gowthama nama - Who is in the form of sage Gowthama
* 401 * Om Nishakaraya nama - Who created darkness
* 402 * Om Dhambaya nama - Who controls his enemies
* 403 * Om Adhambhaya nama - Who cannot be controlled by others
* 404 * Om Vaidhambhaya nama - Who is dear to those who are not proud
* 405 * Om Vasyaya nama - Who can be controlled by devotion
* 406 * Om Vasakaraya nama - Who makes all others his
* 407 * Om Kalaye nama - Who is of the form of war between asuras and devas
* 408 * Om Loka karthre nama - Who has created the worlds
* 409 * Om Pasupathaye nama - Who is the Lord of all beings(animals)
* 410 * Om Maha karthre nama - Who created the five bhoothas
* 411 * Om Anoushadhaya nama - Who does not eat food (he is satisfied by seeing it)
* 412 * Om Aksharaya nama - Who does not have decay
* 413 * Om Paramaya Brahmane nama - Who is the incomparable Brahman
* 414 * Om Bhalavathe nama - Who is of the form of devas who control strength
* 415 * Om Chakraya nama - Who created strength
* 416 * Om Neethyai nama - Who is the law
* 417 * Om Aneethyai nama - Who cannot be ruled by others
* 418 * Om Shuddhathmane nama - Who is having a very clean mind
* 419 * Om Shudhaya nama - Who is clean
* 420 * Om Maanyaya nama - Who is fit to be worshipped
* 421 * Om Gathagathaya nama - Who appears and vanishes
* 422 * Om Bahu prasadaya nama - Who is greatly pleased
* 423 * Om Suswapnaya nama - Who is Thaijasa who controls dreams
* 424 * Om Darpanaya nama - Who is like a mirror
* 425 * Om Amithrajithe nama - Who has won over internal and external enemies
* 426 * Om Vedakaraya nama - Who created Vedas
* 427 * Om Mathrakaraya nama - Who created mantras
* 428 * Om Vidhushe nama - Who is an expert in all arts
* 429 * Om Samarthanaya nama - Who destroys enemies in war
* 430 * Om Maha megha nivasine nama - Who resides in the clouds at the time of deluge
* 431 * Om Mahagoraya nama - Who is of a very fearful form
* 432 * Om Vasine nama - Who keeps everything under his custody
* 433 * Om Karaya nama - Who destroys
* 434 * Om Agnijwalaya nama - Who is like the flame of the fire
* 435 * Om Mahajwalaya nama - Who has the light of a great flame
* 436 * Om Athidhoomraya nama - Who creates lot of smoke as he burns everything
* 437 * Om Huthaya nama - Who is satisfied by everybody in the fire sacrifice
* 438 * Om Havishe nama - Who is the offering in the fire sacrifice
* 439 * Om Vrushanaya nama - Who showers boons/punishment for our actions
* 440 * Om Sankaraya nama - Who gives us pleasure
* 441 * Om Nithyamvarchaswine nama - Who is always resplendent
* 442 * Om Dhoomakethanaya nama - Who is the fire which produces smoke
* 443 * Om Neelaya nama - Who is blue
* 444 * Om Angalubhdhaya nama - Who is present in a part of his body
* 445 * Om Shobhanaya nama - Who is of the form which is always good
* 446 * Om Niravagrahaya nama - Who does not have anything to stop him
* 447 * Om Swasthithaya nama - Who is in Himself
* 448 * Om Swasthibhavaya nama - Who has a great place of stay
* 449 * Om Bhagine nama - Who has share in the fire sacrifice
* 450 * Om Bhagakaraya nama - Who gives the shares to other devas in the fire sacrifice
* 451 * Om Laghave nama - Who easily showers his grace
* 452 * Om Uthsangaya nama - Who is not attached
* 453 * Om Mahaangaya nama - Who is in the form of big Linga(body)
* 454 * Om Mahagarbhaparaayanaya nama - Who carries in his belly the entire world during deluge
* 455 * Om Krishnavarnaya nama - Who is black in colour
* 456 * Om Suvarnaya nama - Who is of the golden colour
* 457 * Om Sarva dehinaam indriyaya nama - Who is the sensory organs of all animals
* 458 * Om Maha padaya nama - Who has a very big feet
* 459 * Om Maha hasthata nama - Who has very big hands
* 460 * Om Maha kayaya nama - Who has a very big body
* 461 * Om Maha yasase nama - Who has a very great fame
* 462 * Om Maha Moordhne nama - Who has a very big head
* 463 * Om Maha maathraya nama - Who has a very big measure
* 464 * Om Maha Nethraya nama - Who as very big eyes
* 465 * Om Nisalayaya nama - Who is the place where darkness(ignorance) hides
* 466 * Om Mahanthakaya nama - Who is the God of death to the god of death
* 467 * Om Maha karnaya nama - Who has very big ears
* 468 * Om Mahoshtaaya nama - Who has very big lips
* 469 * Om Maha hanave nama - Who has very big jaws
* 470 * Om Maha nasaya nama - Who has very big nose
* 471 * Om Maha khambhave nama - Who has very big neck
* 472 * Om Maha greevaya nama - Who has very big head
* 473 * Om Smasanabhaaje nama - Who lives in the cremation ground
* 474 * Om Maha vaksase nama - Who has a very big chest
* 475 * Om Mahoraskaya nama - Who has a very wide chest
* 476 * Om Antharathmane nama - Who is the soul within
* 477 * Om Mrugalayaya nama - Who keeps deer with him
* 478 * Om Lambanaya nama - Who keeps several universes hanging on him like a fruit hangs on a tree
* 479 * Om Labhidoshtaya nama - Who has hanging lips during deluge
* 480 * Om Mahamayaya nama - Who has very great illusions
* 481 * Om Payonidhaye nama - Who is the ocean of milk
* 482 * Om Maha Danthaya nama - Who has very big teeth
* 483 * Om Maha damshtraya nama - Who has very big incisor teeth
* 484 * Om Mahe jihwaya nama - Who has a very big toungue
* 485 * Om Maha Mukhata nama - Who has a very big mouth
* 486 * Om Maha Nakhaya nama - Who has a very big nails
* 487 * Om Maha romaya nama - Who has very big hair
* 488 * Om Maha kesaya nama - Who has long hairs in his tuft
* 489 * Om Maha Jadaya nama - Who has bid matted locks
* 490 * Om Prasannaya nama - Who has pity towards his devotees
* 491 * Om Prasadaya nama - Who is personification of love and grace
* 492 * Om Prathyaya nama - Who is wisdom itself
* 493 * Om Giri Sadhanaya nama - Who uses the Meru mountain as bow
* 494 * Om Snehanaya nama - Who is like friend to his devotees
* 495 * Om Asnehanaya nama - Who is detached
* 496 * Om Ajithaya nama - Who cannot be defeated
* 497 * Om Mahamunaye nama - Who is a very great sage who is silent and devout
* 498 * Om Vrukshakaraya nama - Who is of the form of the tree of life
* 499 * Om Vruksha kethave nama - Who has a flag of a tree
* 500 * Om Analaya nama - Who never gets satisfied
* 501 * Om Vayu vahanaya nama - Who makes the wind blow
* 502 * Om Gandaline nama - Who lives on the hilly terrain
* 503 * Om Meru damne nama - Who lives on Mount Meru
* 504 * Om Devadithipathaye nama - Who is the Lord of Devas
* 505 * Om Atharva seershaya nama - Who has Atharva Veda as head
* 506 * Om Samaasyaya nama - Who has Sama veda as face
* 507 * Om Riksaharamithekshanaya nama - Who has thousands of Rik Veda mantras as eyes
* 508 * Om Yaju pada bhujaya nama - Who has Yajurveda as hands and legs
* 509 * Om Guhyaya nama - Who is the Upanishads with secret meanings
* 510 * Om Prakasaya nama - Who is the Karma Kanda which shines
* 511 * Om Jangamaya nama - Who travels everywhere
* 512 * Om Amogharthaya nama - Who is the God to whom prayers are never unanswered
* 513 * Om Prasadaya nama - Who is very kind hearted
* 514 * Om Abhigamyaya nama - Who can be attained easily
* 515 * Om Sudarsanaya nama - Who has a very beneficial look
* 516 * Om Upakaraya nama - Who does help
* 517 * Om Priyaya nama - Who is dear to everybody
* 518 * Om Sarvaya nama - Who comes facing us
* 519 * Om Kanakaya nama - Who is gold
* 520 * Om Kanchancchavaye nama - Who is of golden colour
* 521 * Om Nabhaye nama - Who is the support to the world
* 522 * Om Nandikaraya nama - Who grants happiness
* 523 * Om Bhavaya nama - Who is of the form of attention
* 524 * Om Pushkara sthapathaye nama - Who created the lotus like universe
* 525 * Om Sthiraya nama - Who is as stable as a mountain
* 526 * Om Dwadasaya nama - Who is the twelfth stage called salvation
* 527 * Om Thrasanaya nama - Who makes us afraid
* 528 * Om Adhyaya nama - Who came even before the world
* 529 * Om Yagnaya nama - Who is the sacrifice which unites soul and God
* 530 * Om Yagna samahithaya nama - Who can be attained by conducting sacrifices
* 531 * Om Naktham nama - Who is night
* 532 * Om Kalaye nama - Who is the Kama and Krodha which lead to great passion
* 533 * Om Kaalaya nama - Who creates the life of birth and death over time
* 534 * Om Makaraya nama - Who resides in the Shimsumara chakra which is of crocodile shape
* 535 * Om Kala poojithaya nama - Who is being worshipped by Kala-the god of death
* 536 * Om Saganaya nama - Who is with various Ganas
* 537 * Om Ganakaraya nama - Who made Asuras as his servants
* 538 * Om Bhootha vahana sarathaye nama - Whose Charioteer is Brahma who leas the ganas
* 539 * Om Basmachayaya nama - Who exists in Vibhoothi-the sacred ash
* 540 * Om Basma gopthre nama - Who protects the world using sacred ash
* 541 * Om Basmabhoothaya nama - Who himself is the form of sacred ash
* 542 * Om Tharave nama - Who is of the form of a tree(Wish giving tree)
* 543 * Om Ganaya nam - Who is of the form of Ganas
* 544 * Om Loka palaya nama - Who is the protector of the world
* 545 * Om Alokaya nama - Who is beyond the worlds
* 546 * Om Mahathmane nama - Who is the great soul which is everywhere
* 547 * Om Sarva poojithaya nama - Who is being worshipped by everybody
* 548 * Om Shuklaya nama - Who is white in colour
* 549 * Om Trishuklaya nama - Who has a white(clear) mind, words and body
* 550 * Om Sampannaya nama - Who is filled up everywhere
* 551 * Om Suchaye nama - Who is very clean
* 552 * Om Bhootha nishevithaya nama - Who is being worshipped by teachers of yore
* 553 * Om Ashramasthaya nama - Who is God of the four different Ashramas(Stages in life)
* 554 * Om Kriya vasthaya nama - Who is in rituals like yaga
* 555 * Om Viswa karma mathaye nama - Who understands all actions of the world
* 556 * Om Varaaya nama - Who is liked by everybody(Who is chosen by everybody)
* 557 * Om Vishala shakaya nama - Who has long hands/Who has wide branches
* 558 * Om Thamroshtaya nama - Who has red lips
* 559 * Om Ambhujalaya nama - Who is in sea in the form of water
* 560 * Om Sunischalaya nama - Who has a form which is totally stable
* 561 * Om Kapilaya nama - Who is reddish blue fire
* 562 * Om Kapichaya nama - Who is golden in colour
* 563 * Om Shuklaya nama - Who is white coloured and wears white ash
* 564 * Om Ayushe nama - Who is the soul
* 565 * Om Parya nama - Who is earlier than the earliest
* 566 * Om Aparaya nama - Who is behind everyone
* 567 * Om Gandharwaya nama - Who is of the form of celestial beings called Gandharwas
* 568 * Om Adithaye nama - Who is the God mother called Adithi
* 569 * Om Tharkshyaya nama - Who is of the form of Garuda among birds
* 570 * Om Suvigneyaya nama - Who can be easily attained
* 571 * Om Susaradaya nama - Who has sweet speech
* 572 * Om Parasvayudhaya nama - Who holds Axe as a weapon
* 573 * Om Devya nama - Who has wish to win
* 574 * Om Anukarine nama - Who obeys the wishes of devotees
* 575 * Om Subandhavaya nama - Who is a good relation
* 576 * Om Thumbhaveenaya nama - Who has a lyre(veena) made out of two bottle gourds-This is called the Rudra Veena
* 577 * Om Maha krodhaya nama - Who is very angry at the time of destruction
* 578 * Om Urdhwarethase nama - Who has the greatest gods like Brhama and Vishnu as subjects
* 579 * Om Jalesayaya nama - Who sleeps on water in the form of Vishnu
* 580 * Om Ugraya nama - Who swallows everything at the time of deluge
* 581 * Om Vasankaraya nama - Who makes everything as his
* 582 * Om Vamsaya nama - Who is the flute
* 583 * Om Vamsa nadhaya nama - Who is the sweet music of the flute
* 584 * Om Anindhidhaya nama - Who is blameless
* 585 * Om SArvanga roopaya nama - Who is pretty I all his body parts
* 586 * Om mayavine nama - Who creates the world by illusion
* 587 * Om Suhrudhaya nama - Who has a good heart
* 588 * Om Anilaya nama - Who is of the form of wind
* 589 * Om Analaya nama - Who is of the form of fire
* 590 * Om Bandhanaya nama - Who is the chord binding life
* 591 * Om Bandhakarthre nama - Who ties us to the day to day life
* 592 * Om Subandhana vimochanaya nama - Who releases us from the ties of life
* 593 * Om Sayagnaraye nama - Who is with Asuras who are enemies of Yagna
* 594 * Om Sakamaraye nama - Who is with Yogis who have conquered passion
* 595 * Om Maha Damshtraya nama - Who has ling incisor teeth
* 596 * Om Mahayudhaya nama - Who has great weapons
* 597 * Om Bahudha nindithaya nama - Who has been insulted in several ways
* 598 * Om Sarvaya nama - Who troubles people who insult him
* 599 * Om Sankaraya nama - Who grants pleasure
* 600 * Om Sankaraya nama - Who destroys doubts

* 601 * Om Adanaya nama - Who does not have wealth
* 602 * Om Amaresaya nama - Who is the God of devas
* 603 * Om Maha devaya nama - Who is the greatest god
* 604 * Om Viswa devaya nama - Who is the God of the universe
* 605 * Om Surarigne nama - Who kills enemies f devas
* 606 * Om Ahirbudhnyaya nama - Who is of the form of Adhi Sesha
* 607 * Om Anilabhaya nama - Who is like wind (Who cannot be seen, but understood)
* 608 * Om Chekithanaya nama - Who knows everything fully well
* 609 * Om Havishe nama - Who is the Cooked rice offered to God
* 610 * Om Ajaikapadhe nama - Who is the one among the eleven Rudras
* 611 * Om Kapaline nama - Who is the lord of Universe (called Kapala)
* 612 * Om Trisankave nama - Who is the axis for the three qualities of Sathva, Rajas and Thamas
* 613 * Om Ajithaya nam - Who cannot be won by the three qualities
* 614 * Om Shivaya nama - Who is the purest under any condition
* 615 * Om Danvantharye nama - Who is the doctor for all diseases
* 616 * Om Dhooma kethave nama - Who is in the form of comet
* 617 * Om Skandaya nama - Who is of the form of Lord Subrahmanya
* 618 * Om Vaisravanaya nama - Who is in the form of Khubera
* 619 * Om Dhathre nama - Who is in the form of Lord Brahma
* 620 * Om Chakraya nama - Who is in the form of Devendra
* 621 * Om Vishnave nama - Who is in the form of Lord Vishnu
* 622 * Om Mithraya nama - Who is in the form of Sun God(Who measures everything)
* 623 * Om Thwashtre nama - Who is in the of Viswakarma, the architect
* 624 * Om Druvaya nama - Who is in the form of Druva star
* 625 * Om Dharaya nama - Who is in the form of Vasu called Dara
* 626 * Om Prabhavaya nama - Who is in the form of Vasu called Prabhava
* 627 * Om Sarva kaya Vayave nama - Who is in the form of air within all beings/Who is in the form of wind which is everywhere
* 628 * Om Aryamne nama - Who is in the form Aaryama who is a God of manes
* 629 * Om Savithre nama - Who creates everything
* 630 * Om Ravaye nama - Who is in the form of Sun God
* 631 * Om Ushangave nama - Who possesses scorching rays
* 632 * Om Vidhathre nama - Who is the one who orders
* 633 * Om Mandhatre nama - Who looks after the soul called “me”
* 634 * Om Bhootha bhavanaya nama - Who looks after all that is created
* 635 * Om Vibhave nama - Who is the lord of the three worlds
* 636 * Om Varna vibhavine nama - Who divided colours in to four/ Who has many coloured splendour
* 637 * Om Sarva kama Gunaa ahaaya nama - Who creates qualities liked by all
* 638 * Om Padma nabhaya nama - Who keeps the lotus in his belly button/Who is of the form of Vishnu
* 639 * Om Maha garbhaya nama - Who carries all in his belly at the time of deluge
* 640 * Om Chandra vakthraya nama - Who has a face resembling the moon
* 641 * Om Anilaya nama - Who does not have any body who can command him
* 642 * Om Analaya nama - Who has limitless power
* 643 * Om Bala vathe nama - Who has very great strength
* 644 * Om Upa santhaya nama - Who controls his power and does not show it
* 645 * Om Puranaya nama - Who is very ancient
* 646 * Om Punyasanchave nama - Who can be known only through good acts
* 647 * Om Ye nama - Who is of the form of Goddess Lakshmi (EE the Lakshmi root)
* 648 * Om Kuru karthre nama - Who created Kuru Kshethra
* 649 * Om Kuru vasine nama - Who lives in Kuru Kshethra
* 650 * Om Kuru bhoothaya nama - Who is the Karma sthana and Upasana sthana at Kuru Kshethra(place of duty and meditation)
* 651 * Om Gunoushadhaya nama - Who encourages good conduct and helps it grow
* 652 * Om Sarvasayaya nama - Who is the place where everything resides
* 653 * Om Darbhacharine nama - Who receives Havirbhagas (Offering at time of sacrifice) kept on Dharbha grass
* 654 * Om Sarveshaam praninaam pathaye nama - Who is the lord of all living things
* 655 * Om Devadevaya nama - Who is the God of all gods
* 656 * Om Sukhaskthaya nama - Who is not interested in pleasures
* 657 * Om Sathe nama - Who is the God of all beings
* 658 * Om Asathe nama - Who is the God who is the truth
* 659 * Om Srava rathna vidhe nama - Who has all precious stones with him
* 660 * Om Kailsa giri vasine nama - Who lives on Kailasa Mountain
* 661 * Om Himavad giri amsrayaya nama - Who possesses the Himalaya mountains
* 662 * Om Koola haarine nama - Who breaks the shore in the form of water tide
* 663 * Om Koola karthre nama - Who has made the shores of tanks
* 664 * Om Bahu vidhyaya nama - Who knows several aspects of knowledge
* 665 * Om Bahu pradhaya nama - Who gives in plenty
* 666 * Om Vanijaya nama - Who took the form of a merchant
* 667 * Om Varthakine nama - Who is in the form of a carpenter
* 668 * Om Vrukshayta nama - Who is in the form of a tree
* 669 * Om Vakulaa nama - Who is in the form of tree yielding Vakula flowers
* 670 * Om Chandaaya nama - Who is in the form of Sandalwood tree
* 671 * Om Chchadhaya nama - Who is in the form of Pala tree
* 672 * Om Sara greevaya nama - Who has a very firm neck
* 673 * Om Maha jathrave nama - Who has firm neck bones
* 674 * Om Aloalaya nama - Who does not have any desires
* 675 * Om Mahoushadhaya nama - Who is the greatest medicine in the form of food
* 676 * Om Sidhartha karine nama - Who does good to Sidhas(great saints)
* 677 * Om Sidhartha chando vyakanotharaya nama - Who is the occult power which answers grammar , meter etc
* 678 * Om Simha nadaya nama - Who has a royal voice like that of a lion
* 679 * Om Simha damshtraya nama - Who has teeth like lion
* 680 * Om Simhakaya nama - Who has gait like a lion
* 681 * Om Simha vahanya nama - Who rides on a lion , which is the vehicle of his consort
* 682 * Om Prabhavathmane nama - Who has the fame that he is the truth of all truths
* 683 * Om Jagatkalasthaalaya nama - Who has the god of death as his food plate
* 684 * Om loka hithaya nama - Who does good to the world
* 685 * Om Tharave nama - Who makes us cross the ocean of life
* 686 * Om Sarangaya nama - Who has perfect organs
* 687 * Om Nava chakrangaya nama - Who has the Sri Chakra with nine parts as his body
* 688 * Om Kethumaline nama - Who shines in his flag/Who is of the form of birds with crown
* 689 * Om Sabhavanaya nama - Who protects societies
* 690 * Om Bhothalayaya nama - Who has the temple in Pancha bhoothas
* 691 * Om Bhoothapathaye nama - Who is the God of all beings
* 692 * Om Ahorathraya nama - Who is there through out night and day
* 693 * Om Anindhithaya nama - Who is without any stain
* 694 * Om Sarva bhoothaanam vaahithre nama - Who makes all animals exist/work
* 695 * Om Nilayaa nama - Who is the resting place of al beings
* 696 * Om Vibhave nama - Who does not have birth
* 697 * Om Bhavaya nama - Who is the reason for creation of all beings
* 698 * Om Amoghaya nama - Who does not waste his connection/thought or Who is in plenty
* 699 * Om Samyathaya nama - Who is bound by his devotees
* 700 * Om Aswaya nama - Who us in the form of a horse
* 701 * Om Bhojanaya nama - Who provides food for everybody
* 702 * Om Pranadharanaya nama - Who saves lives
* 703 * Om Druthimathe nama - Who is of the form of stable minded
* 704 * Om Mathimathe nama - Who is of the form of intelligent
* 705 * Om Dakshaya nama - Who is very capable
* 706 * Om Sathkruthya nama - Who is worshipped by every one
* 707 * Om Yugadhipaya nama - Who is the king of conflicting emotions like hot /cold etc/Who is the chief in a Yuga
* 708 * Om Gopalaye nama - Who protects sense organs
* 709 * Om Gopathaye nama - Who rules the earth
* 710 * Om Gramaya nama - Who is the human society
* 711 * Om Gocharma vasanaya nama - Who wears the hide of cows
* 712 * Om Haraye nama - Who puts an end to sorrow
* 713 * Om Hiranya bahave nama - Who has golden arms
* 714 * Om Pravesinaam Guhapalaya nama - Who protects those who meditate on him
* 715 * Om Prakrushtaraye nama - Who completely wipes out enemies (Like passion, anger etc)
* 716 * Om Maha harshaya nama - Who is greatly happy
* 717 * Om Jitha kamaaya nama - Who has won the god of love
* 718 * Om Jithendriyaya nama - Who has won over his sense organs
* 719 * Om Gandharaya nama - Who wears the earth (Who is raga called Gandara)
* 720 * Om Suvasaya nama - Who has a great place to reside
* 721 * Om Thapassakthaya nama - Who is greatly drowned in penance
* 722 * Om Rathaye nama - Who is personification of pleasure
* 723 * Om Naraya nama - Who makes everything work
* 724 * Om Maha geethaya nama - Who likes very good music
* 725 * Om Maha nruthyaya nama - Who likes god dancing
* 726 * Om Apsara gana sevithaya nama - Who is served by the community of celestial dancers
* 727 * Om Maha kethave nama - Who has the flag in which bull is there
* 728 * Om Maha dhathave nama - Who has Meru mountain which has lot of minerals
* 729 * Om Naika sanu charaya nama - Who travels in several mountain peaks
* 730 * Om Chalaya nama - Who cannot be caught
* 731 * Om Avedaniyaya nama - Who can be known through a teacher
* 732 * Om Adesaya nama - Who is in the form of instructions
* 733 * Om Sarva gandha sukha vahaya nama - Who makes the pleasure of all good scents
* 734 * Om Thoranaya nama - Who is the gate to salvation
* 735 * Om Tharanaa nama - Who makes us cross the ocean of life
* 736 * Om Vathaa nama - Who is in the form of gases
* 737 * Om Paridhine nama - Who protests us like a fort
* 738 * Om Pathikecharaya nama - Who is in the form of king of birds-Garuda
* 739 * Om Samyogaya vardhanaya nama - Who is the process of reproduction
* 740 * Om Vrudhaya nama - Who is an old man(elder)
* 741 * Om Athivrudhaya nama - Who is older than the oldest
* 742 * Om Gunadikaya nama - Who is great because of his good conduct
* 743 * Om Nithya mathma sahayaya nama - Who is forever helping mortal souls
* 744 * Om Devasura pathaye nama - Who is the lord of Asuras and Devas
* 745 * Om Pathye nama - Who is the leader
* 746 * Om Yukthaya nama - Who is merged with every being
* 747 * Om Yuktha bahave nama - Who has hands which does proper work
* 748 * Om Divi suparvana devaya nama - Who is God to even Indra who is in heaven
* 749 * Om Ashadaya nama - Who can tolerate everything
* 750 * Om Sushadaya nama - Who can easily forgive
* 751 * Om Druvaya nama - Who is stable
* 752 * Om Harinaya nama - Who is white
* 753 * Om Haraaya nama - Who destroys sorrow
* 754 * Om Aavarthamanebhyo vapushe nama - Who gives bodies for those who take birth several times
* 755 * Om Vasu sreshtaya nama - Who is better than all things(Who is the chief of Vasus)
* 756 * Om Mahapadhaya nama - Who is the best path
* 757 * Om Siroharine vimarsaya nama - Who is the critic who cut off Brahma’s head
* 758 * Om Sarva lakshana lakshithaya nama - Who is the treasure house of all good qualities
* 759 * Om Akshaya radha yogine nama - Who is like the axis of a chariot
* 760 * Om Sarva yogine nama - Who is merged with every thing
* 761 * Om Maha balaya nama - Who has immense strength
* 762 * Om Samanmayaya nama - Who is of the form of Vedas
* 763 * Om Asamamnaya nama - Who is beyond the Vedas
* 764 * Om Theertha devaya nama - Who is the holy god (Who is the God of sacred waters)
* 765 * Om Maharadhya nama - Who has a very big chariot
* 766 * Om Nirjeevaaya nama - Who is even in lifeless objects
* 767 * Om Jeevanaya nama - Who is the soul(Who is our occupation)
* 768 * Om Manthraya nama - Who is the sacred chants
* 769 * Om Shubakshaya nama - Who has the vision that leads to salvation
* 770 * Om Bahu karkasaya nama - Who is very strict in real life
* 771 * Om Rathna prabhoothaya nama - Who has very large quantity of gems
* 772 * Om Rathangaya nama ( or Om Rakthangaya nama) - Who has organs shining like gems(Who is reddish in colour)
* 773 * Om Maharnava nipanavidhe nama - Who drinks the oceans at time of deluge
* 774 * Om Moolaya nama - Who is like root of the world
* 775 * Om Vishalaya nama - Who is road and spread everywhere
* 776 * Om Amruthaya nama - Who is like nectar
* 777 * Om Vyakthavyakthaya nama - Who is clear to devotees and invisible to others
* 778 * Om Thaponidhaye nama - Who is a very great sage
* 779 * Om Aarohanaya nama - Who makes devotees climb
* 780 * Om Athirohaya nama - Who is in the top level
* 781 * Om Sheeladarine nama - Who protects good conduct (Who has good conduct)
* 782 * Om Maha yasase nama - Who has very great fame
* 783 * Om Sena kalpaya nama - Who creates armies by just thought
* 784 * Om Maha kalpaya nama - Who has the great ornaments
* 785 * Om Yogaya nama - Who is of the form of Yoga
* 786 * Om Yuga karaya nama - Who is the one who creates Yugas
* 787 * Om Haraye nama - Who is of the form of Lord Vishnu
* 788 * Om Yuga roopaya nama - Who is the form of Yugas
* 789 * Om Maha roopaya nama - Who is beyond limits and have a big shape
* 790 * Om Maha naaga hanaya nama - Who killed Gajasura who had immense form
* 791 * Om Avadhaa nama - Who is of the form of death
* 792 * Om Nyaya nirva panaaya nama - Who gave the Nyaa sasthra to the world
* 793 * Om Paadaya nama - Who is the final destination
* 794 * Om Pandithaya nama - Who is the very wise one
* 795 * Om Achalopamaya nama - Who is very stable like a mountain
* 796 * Om Bahu maalaya nama - Who has variety of playful acts
* 797 * Om Mahaamaalaya nama - Who wears very many garlands
* 798 * Om Sasine hara sulochanaya nama - Who has eyes much prettier than the moon
* 799 * Om Visthara lavana koopaya nama - Who is like the very broad saltish well
* 800 * Om Triyugaya nama - Who is in the for of three Yugas
* 801 * Om Saphalodayaya nama - Who comes out for the good
* 802 * Om Trilochanaya nama - Who is having three eyes
* 803 * Om Vishannangaya nama - Who has organs which are the eight moorthies like earth
* 804 * Om Mani viddhhaya nama - Who wears ear studs
* 805 * Om Jada dharaya nama - Who has matted locks
* 806 * Om Bindhave nama - Who is of the form of dot
* 807 * Om Visarggaya nama - Who is like a Visarga in the form of Ardha Nareeswara
* 808 * Om Sumukhaya nama - Who is having a pleasant face
* 809 * Om saraya nama - Who is of the form of a bow
* 810 * Om Sarvayudhaya nama - Who wears all weapons
* 811 * Om Sahaya nama - Who has great patience
* 812 * Om Nivedanaya nama - Who informs abut everything
* 813 * Om Sukha jadaya nama - Who is of the enjoyable(pleasant) form
* 814 * Om Sugandharaya nama - Who is like a good horse of Gandhara(Afghanisthan)
* 815 * Om Maha danushe nama - Who has very great bow
* 816 * Om Gandhapaline bhagawathe nama - Who saves the memories of previous births a time of deluge
* 817 * Om Sarva karmana mukthaya nama - Who makes all jobs(duties) rise up again after the deluge
* 818 * Om Mandhanaya bahulaya vayave nama - Who is the wind which churns life at the time of deluge
* 819 * Om Sakalaya nama - Who is every where
* 820 * Om Sarva lochanaaya nama - Who sees everything (Who has eyes every where)
* 821 * Om Thalasthalaya nama - Who is of the form of clapping hand(Who is the basis of everything)
* 822 * Om KaraSthaline nama - Who has his own hand as vessel
* 823 * Om Urdhwa samhananaya nama - Who is having very great strength (who has a very tall stature)
* 824 * Om Mahathe nama - Who is great
* 825 * Om Chchathraya nama - Who reduces discomfort like an umbrella
* 826 * Om Succhathraa - Who has a very pretty Umbrella
* 827 * Om Vikhyathaya lokaaya nama - Who is being seen from everywhere(Who has a famous residence)
* 828 * Om Sarvaasrayaya kramaya nama - Who has discipline in everything
* 829 * Om Mundaya nama - Who has a shaved head
* 830 * Om Viroopaya nama - Who has a very bad looks
* 831 * Om Vikruthaya nama - Who has various forms
* 832 * Om Dandine nama - Who has a stick in his hand (like a Brahma chari)
* 833 * Om Kundine nama - Who has a water jug (pancha pathra)in his hand
* 834 * Om Vikurvanaya nama - Who cannot be attained by rituals
* 835 * Om Haryakshaya nama - Who is of the form of lion
* 836 * Om Kakhubhaya nama - Who is of the form of directions
* 837 * Om Vajrine nama - Who is of the form of Devendra
* 838 * Om Satha jihwaya nama - Who has hundreds of toungues
* 839 * Om Sahasrapathe nama - Who has millions of legs
* 840 * Om Sahasra moorthne nama - Who has thousands of heads
* 841 * Om Devendraya sarva deva mayaya nama - Who is of the form of Devendra and also all other devas
* 842 * Om Gurave nama - Who is the teacher
* 843 * Om Sahasra bahave nama - Who has thousands of hands
* 844 * Om Saranyaya nama - Who can take care of others
* 845 * Om Sarvangaya nama - Who has everything
* 846 * Om Sarva loka kruthe nama - Who creates all the worlds
* 847 * Om Pavithraya nama - Who makes others holy
* 848 * Om Trikakudhe mantraya nama - Who is the mantra with three parts viz Bheejam(root), Shakthi(power) and Keelagam(the nail)
* 849 * Om Kanishtaya nama - Who is younger(perhaps refers to Vamana)
* 850 * Om Krishna pingalaya nama - Who is blackish red in colour
* 851 * Om Brahma danda vinir mathre nama - Who punishes Lord Brahma
* 852 * Om Sathagni pasa shakthimathe nama - Who has a weapon called Sathagni(capable of killing one hundred people) , pasa, Shakthi etc
* 853 * Om Padma garbhaya nama - Who is of the form of Brahma who was born in a lotus
* 854 * Om maha garbhaya nama - Who keeps everything within himself
* 855 * Om Brahma garbhaya nama - Who keeps Vedas(Brhama) within himself
* 856 * Om Jalodhbhavaya nama - Who rose from the water of deluge
* 857 * Om Gabasthaye nama - Who has rays of light
* 858 * Om Brhama kruthe nama - Who composed the Vedas
* 859 * Om Brahmine nama - Who recites Vedas
* 860 * Om Brhama vidhe nama - Who is an expert in Vedas
* 861 * Om Brahmanaya nama - Who in the form of Brahmin teaches Vedas
* 862 * Om Gathaye nama - Who is the place of refuge
* 863 * Om Anantha roopaya nama - Who has several forms
* 864 * Om Naikathmane nama - Who does not have body
* 865 * Om Swayabhuva sthigmathejase nama - Who has the power which could not be tolerated by Brahma
* 866 * Om Urdhwagathmane nama - Who has a form beyond the universe
* 867 * Om Pasupathaye nama - Who is the God of all beings
* 868 * Om Vatharamhaya nama - Who has the speed of wind
* 869 * Om Manojavaya nama - Who has the speed of mind
* 870 * Om Chandanine nama - Who is being bathed in sandal paste
* 871 * Om Padmanalagraya nama - Who was before Brahma was born in a lotus
* 872 * Om Surabhyutharanaya nama - Who down =graded Kama Dhenu for telling false testimony
* 873 * Om Naraya nama - Who does not take anything out of desire
* 874 * Om Karnikara mahasthravigne nama - Who wears garland made out of golden flowers
* 875 * Om Neelamoulaye nama - Who wears a crown embedded with blue stone
* 876 * Om Pinaka druthe nama - Who carries the bow called Pinaka
* 877 * Om Umapathaye nama - Who is the consort of Goddess Uma
* 878 * Om Uma kanthaya nama - Who has been married by Uma out of love
* 879 * Om Jahnavi druthe nama - Who wears river Ganga on his crown
* 880 * Om Umadhavaya nama - Who is the husband of Goddess Uma
* 881 * Om Varaya varahaya nama - Who took the form of Varaha(Vishnu’s incarnation)
* 882 * Om Varadaya nama - Who shows mercy to the world in several forms
* 883 * Om Varenyaya nama - Who can be asked for a boon
* 884 * Om Sumahaswanaya nama - Who has a very musical voice
* 885 * Om Mahaprasadaya nama - Who is greatly pleased
* 886 * Om Damanaya nama - Who controls bad people
* 887 * Om Shatrugne nama - Who kills his enemies
* 888 * Om Shwethapingalaya nama - Who is white on one side and red on the other
* 889 * Om Peethathmane nama - Who is of golden colour
* 890 * Om Paramatmane nama - Who is the soul which is everywhere
* 891 * Om Prayathathmane nama - Who has a purest mind
* 892 * Om Pradhna druthe nama - Who wears nature
* 893 * Om Sarva parswa mukhaya nama - Who has faces on all sides
* 894 * Om Trayakshaya nama - Who has three eyes
* 895 * Om Dharma sadharno varaya nama - Who is the proper compensation for good deeds
* 896 * Om Chacharathmane nama - Who is the soul of moving and non moving beings
* 897 * Om Siikshmathmane nama - Who has a form which is beyond the intellect
* 898 * Om Amruthaya Govrusheswaraya nama - Who is the god of perennial dharma which is the lord of earth
* 899 * Om Sadyarshaye nama - Who gives knowledge to Sadhyas who are devas for devas
* 900 * Om Vasuradithyaya nama - Who is a Vasu who is son of Adithi
* 901 * Om Vivaswathe savithamruthaya nama - Who is the moon who drenches the world by his nectar like rays
* 902 * Om Vyasaya nama - Who is the form of Veda Vyasa
* 903 * Om Sargaya susamkshepaya vistharaya nama - Who is the author of Suthras which are abbreviated knowledge and also Puranas which are knowledge in detail
* 904 * Om Paryayonaraya nama - Who is the soul of Virat Pursha which is spread everywhere
* 905 * Om Ruthave nama - Who is the season
* 906 * Om Samvathsaraya nama - Who is the year
* 907 * Om Masaya nama - Who is the month
* 908 * Om Pakshaya nama - Who is the lunar fortnight
* 909 * Om Samkhya samapanaya nama - Who is the days of completion of seasons and lunar fortnights
* 910 * Om Kalabhyo nama - Who is the shorter part of the day called Kala
* 911 * Om Kashtaabhyo nama - Who is the Kashtaas which are small measurement of time
* 912 * Om Lavebhyo nama - Who is Lavas , which are small sub division of time
* 913 * Om Maathraabhyo nama - Who is Mathras, another measurement of small time
* 914 * Om Muhurthaha Kshapebhyo nama - Who is the period of holy time in a day
* 915 * Om Kshanebhyo nama - Who is seconds
* 916 * Om Viswa kshethraya nama - Who is the area from which universe grew
* 917 * Om Prajaa bheejaya nama - Who is the seeds of citizens
* 918 * Om Lingaya nama - Who is the principle called “Mahat”(great)
* 919 * Om Aadhyaya nirgamaya nama - Who is the first germinating seed of the world
* 920 * Om Sathe nama - Who is the truth
* 921 * Om Asathe nama - Who is the truth hiding behind apparitions
* 922 * Om Vyakthaya nama - Who is clarity to those who know
* 923 * Om Avyakthaya nama - Who cannot be described clearly
* 924 * Om Pithre nama - Who is the father
* 925 * Om Mathre nama - Who is the mother
* 926 * Om Pithamahaya nama - Who is the father of father
* 927 * Om Swarga dwaraya nama - Who is the gateway to heaven
* 928 * Om Praja dwaraya nama - Who is the gateway to more people(passion?)
* 929 * Om Moksha dwaraya nama - Who is the gateway to salvation
* 930 * Om Trivishtapaya nama - Who is heaven
* 931 * Om Nirvanaya nama - Who is detachment(salvation)
* 932 * Om Hladhanaya nama - Who is the one who creates happiness
* 933 * Om Brahmalokaya nama - Who is the world of Brahma
* 934 * Om Parayai gathyai nama - Who is the best way to salvation
* 935 * Om Devasura vinirmathre nama - Who is the one who created asuras and devas
* 936 * Om Devasura parayanaya nama - Who is the support for Devas and Asuras
* 937 * Om Devasura gurave nama - Who is the teacher for Devas and Asuras
* 938 * Om Devaya nama - Who is the propeller of life
* 939 * Om Devasura namaskruthaya nama - Who is being saluted by Devas and Asuras
* 940 * Om Devasura maha mathraya nama - Who is the best among devas and Asuras
* 941 * Om Devasura Ganasrayaya nama - Who is the one being depended on by Devas and Asuras
* 942 * Om DEvasura ganadhyakshaya nama - Who is the chief of devas and Asuras
* 943 * Om Devasura agraganyai nama - Who is the first among devas and Asuras
* 944 * Om Devathidevaya nama - Who is the God of devas
* 945 * Om Devarshaye nama - Who is of the sage form of devas like Narada
* 946 * Om Devasura vara pradhaya nama - Who is the giver of boons to Devas and Asuras
* 947 * Om DEvasureswaraya nama - Who is the ruler of Devas and Asuras
* 948 * Om Viswaya nama - Who is the universe
* 949 * Om Devasura maheswaraya nama - Who is the ruler of rulers of Devas and Asuras
* 950 * Om Sarva deva mayaya nama - Who is personification of all devas as one
* 951 * Om Achinthyaya nama - Who cannot be reached by thought process
* 952 * Om Devadathmane nama - Who is the soul of devas
* 953 * Om Athma sambhavaya nama - Who created himself
* 954 * Om Uthbhidade nama - Who appears breaking ignorance
* 955 * Om Trivikramaya nama - Who has spread in all the three worlds
* 956 * Om Vaidyaya nama - Who is full of knowledge/Who is the doctor
* 957 * Om Virajaya nama - Who is crystal clear
* 958 * Om Neerajaaya nama - Who does not have royal(rajo) qualities/Who is born out of water
* 959 * Om Amaraya nama - Who does not die
* 960 * Om Eedyaya nama - Who is suitable to be praised
* 961 * Om Hastheswaraya nama - Who resides in Kala hasthi/Who is the form of air
* 962 * Om Vyagraya nama - Who is the god called Vyagreswara/Who is the tiger
* 963 * Om Deva simhaya nama - Who is lion among devas
* 964 * Om Nararshabhaya nama - Who is the chief among men
* 965 * Om Vibhudhaa nama - Who is having specialized knowledge
* 966 * Om Agravaraya nama - Who is the first among those given Havirbhaga in sacrifices
* 967 * Om Sookshmaya nama - Who has minutest knowledge
* 968 * Om Sarva devaya nama - Who is all Gods rolled in to one
* 969 * Om Thapo mayaya nama - Who is the personification of penance
* 970 * Om Suyukthaya nama - Who is very careful
* 971 * Om Shobhanaya nama - Who is the good augury
* 972 * Om Vajrine nama - Who is as hard as diamond
* 973 * Om Prasanaam prabhavaya nama - Who is affected by ornamental language
* 974 * Om Avyaya nama - Who can be attained by single minded devotion
* 975 * Om Guhaya nama - Who is in hiding
* 976 * Om Kanthaya nama - Who is the upper limit of happiness
* 977 * Om Nijaya Sargaya nama - Who is in truth evolved himself
* 978 * Om Pavithraya nama - Who is holy/Who saves us from thunder
* 979 * Om Sarva Bhavanaya nama - Who makes everything holy
* 980 * Om Srungine nama - Who is high above(Who is the horned animals)
* 981 * Om Srunga priyaya nama - Who loves peaks of mountains
* 982 * Om Babruve nama - Who is the one who carries the world
* 983 * Om Rajarajaya nama - Who is the king of kings
* 984 * Om Niraayaa nama - Who is without any blemishes
* 985 * Om Abhiramaya nama - Who is pleasing to the mind
* 986 * Om Sura ganaya nama - Who is the form of the society of devas
* 987 * Om Viramayata nama - Who is not connected with subjects(controversies)
* 988 * Om Sarva sadhanaya nama - Who joins all benefits
* 989 * Om Lalatakshaya nama - Who has an eye on his forehead
* 990 * Om Viswa devaya nama - Who plas with the universe
* 991 * Om Harinaya nama - Who is of golden colour/Who is like a deer
* 992 * Om Brahma varchasaya nama - Who is the splendorous light of Brahma
* 993 * Om Sthavaraanaam pathaye nama - Who is the king of mountains
* 994 * Om Niyamendra vardhanaya nama - Who controls all his senses through penance
* 995 * Om Sidharthaya nama - Who keeps salvation as some ordinary thing
* 996 * Om Siddha bhootharthata nama - Who is the benefit got by people who do penance
* 997 * Om Achinthyaya nama - Who cannot be reached by meditation
* 998 * Om Sathya vrathaya nama - Who has made truth his unfailing credo
* 999 * Om Suchaye nama - Who is interested in cleanliness in nature
* 1000 * Om Vrathadhipaya nama - Who protects fasting practices
* 1001 * Om Parasmai nama - Who is Thureeya which is beyond sleep
* 1002 * Om Brahmane nama - Who is the ultimate truth
* 1003 * Om Bhakthanaam paramayai gathaye nama - Who is the ultimate destination of devotees
* 1004 * Om Vimukthaya nama - Who is completely free of bonds
* 1005 * Om Muktha thejase nama - Who is the light which is detached/Who does not have a body
* 1006 * Om Sree mathe nama - Who is richly intelligent
* 1007 * Om Srivardhanaya nama - Who gives wealth to hs devotees
* 1008 * Om Jagathe nama - Who is the universe itself

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