Thursday 2 January 2014

Aum Namah Shivaye!

God is one, names are many. Summit is one, ways are many! It is true that all paths lead, eventually to the same ONE Pristine peak(Kailash). But in His infinite wisdom, God, the creator, allowed for different paths to be carved out to His timeless presence . Being One, he playfully loves for his children to call Him by different names, and express themselves in their own unique ways of devotion. Indeed throughout time, men ad women of different lands and tribes have loved Him in a myriad ways, and we are all the more rich for inheriting a full and brimming treasure chest of mankind’s spiritual heritage. So too, i respect all, want to learn from all. Since i have my own personal focus on Shiva that is what i can contribute .On my own sojourn i have been familiar with Siva sutras methodology to realize the Self, as expounded in the Siva sutras .These are texts from myself traditionally respected as the expositions of Lord Shiva, and which always amaze and absorb me in my personal journey. living at the feet of the Siva But i have also loved so many and who have always been around me guides to help understand the Divine, its manifestations, and its plays, all of which, are rooted in the ONE Subject. You will also find learnings , or at least some glimpses from them. We are all connected in one phase of life… Aum Namah Shivaye!